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What I Wish I Knew Before Entering The NFL

Sarah Biegel

I want to share a picture of baby Sarah & Vince circa 2017. Vince had just gotten drafted by the Green Bay Packers (literally the previous day, could you tell we were excited?) and we wanted to check out where we'd get to call our first home.

I'm laughing at this photo posting it because I had no idea what the next 5 years would entail. I was just excited to move out of my parent's house.

3 moves, a dog, a baby and somehow I'm still here to tell this tale.

To all the women about to enter into this crazy NFL world, here’s what I wish Sarah in that photo knew back then.

Be open to change. Actually, embrace it.

This is the hardest for me. Every move, every injury was so unexpected. I noticed that when I had a hard time accepting the changes, I wasn’t able to enjoy the present. Looking back now, I’m so glad God challenged us the ways He did. We’ve had the opportunity to meet the most incredible people, experience things we never thought we would and become stronger as a family because of it. Remember, when God wants you to grow, He makes you uncomfortable

Enjoy where you are when you are there.

Yes yes yes. These years are so short. Be in the moment. Enjoy the quiet, embrace your surroundings. Make new friends. Get involved in the community. Only if it’s for 1 year. You’ll look back and admire your time there.

Open yourself up to meet people.

Seriously. I remember when we moved to New Orleans, I felt like I was closing myself off. The move was unexpected, I was pregnant and was trying to process it all. But I learned that you need to surround yourself with good people who help you navigate this unique world, who lift you up and those who keep you company when your husbands are away. Thankfully, I’ve been able to find that on every team we’ve been on!

Teams have great resources for significant others. Find out what they are and use them!

Seriously! Career services, psychologists, anything. They have us covered.

This is a wild ride and wherever you find yourself in it, enjoy it.

Moving into our first apartment in Green Bay. Vince had just had surgery on his feet.
Next stop, New Orleans.
Year 3. Miami.
Sarah B.

Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, Sarah and her family currently reside in Florida while her husband pursues his NFL career. Her two daughters keep her and her husband on their toes at all times. Due to their many adventures and moves, Sarah has become a professional toddler wrangler and traveller. She enjoys baking recipes with her daughter that have been handed down to her from prior generations.

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Sarah Biegel